罗平t型asa环氧塑钢瓦 apvc塑钢瓦 pvc环氧树脂瓦-九游ag登录中心网址

罗平t型asa环氧塑钢瓦 apvc塑钢瓦 pvc环氧树脂瓦
罗平t型asa环氧塑钢瓦 apvc塑钢瓦 pvc环氧树脂瓦
更新时间:2023-04-23 11:07 企业会员
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pvc plastic tile, pvc plastic steel tile, synthetic resin tile, and earwax tile are all tiles made of the same material, but with different names. to distinguish the quality of the tiles, you can use the following four methods:

the first method is to measure the density. the main material of synthetic resin tiles is polyvinyl chloride (pvc), with a density of about 1.4. by weighing a square meter of synthetic resin tile and dividing the weight by the volume, you can prove that the main material of the tile is pvc, which can effectively extend the product's service life. if the weight divided by the volume is greater than 1.4, it means that the synthetic resin tile added a lot of heavy calcium carbonate and other fillers, which not only can't extend the service life of the product but also make it brittle and prone to breakage. therefore, it is only suitable for temporary buildings.

the second method is to use fire. when lighting a corner of the synthetic resin tile with fire, the flame will immediately extinguish once the source is removed. in contrast, inferior synthetic resin tiles have a tendency to spread flames and emit a strong pungent smell. this is because fake synthetic resin tiles have added plasticizers to make them more flexible, but this type of additive has a combustible effect. as a result, products will not meet fire safety requirements and have poor weather resistance, which can cause cracking under sunlight.

the third method is to use your hands to weigh and hit the tiles. synthetic resin tiles are lightweight and feel heavy when knocked together, whereas inferior fake tiles feel heavy to the touch and make a clear sound when knocked together.

the fourth method is to look at the appearance. synthetic resin tiles have clear outlines and a glossy finish, while fake tiles lack these features.
